The Grozenski Family has arrived in the Dominican Republic!

The Grozenski Family has arrived in the Dominican Republic!

Where has all the time gone? We arrived safely to our new home in the Dominican Republic two months ago on August 25. Since then, everything has been an adjustment. We have discovered through experiencing the new culture, language, community, climate, and food; everything is a bit different here. Each of our days are filled with trying to acclimate to our new surroundings. We have felt a bit overwhelmed at times, but are encouraged to know this is to be expected. Our perception of "normal" is changing. There are very few aspects of our daily life that resemble what we've been accustomed to in the past. Convenience has been replaced with intentionality. We have embraced this new adventure with open and loving arms. We are extremely excited to see how God will continue to work in our lives through the beautiful people of the Dominican Republic.

We want to express our deepest gratitude to those of you who have made sacrifices on our behalf to make this ministry possible. We, along with all the others God will reach through us, are eternally indebted.

Prayer Requests and Praises

  • Praise our family's transition to our new life has been relatively smooth, without significant health issues, and is moving toward resettlement.
  • Praise the boys are enrolled at God-centered schools where they can receive good education through the guidance of caring teachers, make friends, and learn Spanish.
  • Praise we are progressing in our language learning. In addition to our Spanish teacher, we have embraced opportunities to have two people from our local community assist us around the house several days a week as additional time for further language and culture immersion.
  • Pray for our family and friends who may be having difficulty with this separation and absence in their lives. We think of each of you often and love you dearly.
  • Pray for His continued encouragement, confirmation, prompting, and grace to fill our spirits resulting in fruitful relationships through discipleship.

The Grozenski Family
